Quantum Leap Movie
Do you remember Quantum Leap? The popular TV series from the 1980s is likely to be adapted into a movie! Scott Bakula (who had teh lead role in the original TV series as Dr. Sam Beckett) was at the TV Guide panel during the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con, and he revealed that show creator Donald Bellisario is working on a script for a Quantum Leap movie:
"The good news is that Donald P. Bellisario [Quantum Leap creator] is working on the film script and has a big time Hollywood producer who wants to do it ... It's about time. [...]
Dean Stockwell [who played Al] and I will have a part in it somehow."
Dean Stockwell [who played Al] and I will have a part in it somehow."
Scott Bakula
Here's the opening of the original Quantum Leap TV Series:
Hollywood is eager to develop movies based on proven characters from TV shows or video games. I guess producers feel more secure than if they had to bet on a brand new character unknown to the public. Since Donald Bellisario the creator of the original show is involved, there's hope that this Quantum Leap movie will respect its source material.
Anyway, more information about the Quantum Leap movie soon!
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